Author Archives: Anthony Ohm

About Anthony Ohm

Anthony Ohm is a pain specialist and a sports therapist. The technique is called Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening(AIS). Treatment is available in Honolulu, Hawaii and Los Angeles, California The AIS method is highly beneficial for: disc issues, chronic physical pain, pain related to aging, arthritis, bursitis, sciatica, neuropathy, Parkinson's disease, and much much more... However you are presenting, whether you are crippled or a professional athlete, AIS treatment will put you in better physical condition than your current state.

Alzheimer’s care in Honolulu

People searching for Alzheimer’s care in Honolulu need to know about Active Isolated Stretching therapy as an alternative to sending a family member to an assisted living facility. Alzheimer’s disease problems, like memory loss, can be significantly improved by unwinding the muscles of the upper body and neck. Virtually every person afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease has muscular rigidity in the neck. Researchers are unsure why muscular rigidity occurs in Alzheimer’s disease patients, however rigidity of the neck muscles interferes with the circulation of blood to the brain through the carotid and vertebral arteries.  A treatment that restores blood flow to the carotid and vertebral arteries can greatly improve memory loss and mental fogginess in Alzheimer’s patients. Active Isolated Stretching is that treatment in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Alzheimer’s care in Honolulu

According to Carol Turkington, author of The Encyclopedia Of Alzheimer’s Disease, Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a degeneration of brain cells which results in those cells being unable to communicate with one another and eventually dying off. Scientists are unsure what triggers brain cell degeneration typically found in Alzheimer’s patients.

Circulation to the brain is vital for cognitive function

Brain cells need nutrients and oxygen to function properly. Through blood circulation, the brain receives the necessary nutrients and oxygen. If the brain does not receive adequate blood circulation, then cognitive abilities of the brain can decline: memory decreases, concentration falls off, decision-making is impaired, even mood swings and violent behavior can result. Why? Because the brain is lacking fuel. There are other factors for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, namely, the presence of plaques, tangles, and inflammation in the brain. These factors may or may not be affected by Active Isolated Stretching. However, muscular rigidity in the neck is commonplace in Alzheimer’s patients. And muscular rigidity in the neck muscles causes memory loss and mental decline in Alzheimer’s patients because it decreases circulation to the brain. This aspect of Alzheimer’s disease can be greatly improved through Active Isolated Stretching treatment. Conventional medical procedure does not examine muscular rigidity as a contributing factor in Alzheimer’s and dementia cases, which is why so few people know of AIS therapy as an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

Inflexibility in neck muscles affects circulation to the brain

The neck muscles lie above the arteries that bring blood flow to the brain. The principal pathway of circulation to the brain are the carotid and vertebral arteries. The carotid artery delivers the majority of blood flow to the brain. And the carotid artery is directly underneath a major neck muscle: the sternocleidomastoid. A shortened sternocleidomastoid neck muscle is likely to be inflamed. Inflammation in the sternocleidomastoid muscle can place pressure onto the carotid artery, limiting circulation from reaching the brain.

Another critical muscle group to correct are the scalene muscles of the neck. As the scalene muscles become inflexible, the head is pulled forward and the jaw drops downward. Circulation to the brain is upward travel from the heart. If the head juts forward, then posture is distorted. Compromised posture can cause blockages of blood flow to the brain. Inflammation in the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles can also cause blockages of blood flow in the carotid artery.

Muscular inflammation among Alzheimer’s disease patients

A common characteristic of Alzheimer’s and dementia is chronic muscular inflammation. This occurs throughout the body. And because it occurs in the neck, a treatment that unwinds muscular tension in the upper body will greatly improve the overall condition of that person. Addressing muscular rigidity is not the only cause of Alzheimer’s or dementia, but it is one significant characteristic of the disease. If muscular rigidity is optimally addressed, the Alzheimer’s or dementia sufferer will greatly improve their overall state. The key manner in which Active Isolated Stretching therapy helps an Alzheimer’s or dementia sufferer improve their life is by unwinding muscular rigidity in the neck which will improve fuel to the brain. Fuel to the brain is blood flow to the brain. Improved blood flow brings more nutrients and oxygen to the brain, which improves overall mental function. Areas of improvement: mental clarity; memory; cessation/reduction of mood swings, irritability, violence.

Alzheimer’s Treatment

As Alzheimer’s and dementia problems begin for one person, that person’s entire family is affected. Family members begin considering hiring an in-home caregiver or changing their schedule to provide supervision for their afflicted. This can lead to sending an elderly person to a supervised day care facility and in later stages, sending that person to a nursing home. According to Joy Glenner, author of When Your Loved One Has Dementia, more than 50% of nursing home admissions are due to Alzheimer’s disease. Active Isolated Stretching can help put a halt to this downward spiral. Individuals that receive treatment may regain their abilities to the level that they can be discharged from a retirement home. Rather than letting a person continually slip into mental decline and depression, Active Isolated Stretching offers hope to return to independence. To take back what has been lost. This is the greatness of Active Isolated Stretching: a return to life.

Alzheimer's treatment

Neck Pain in Honolulu, Hawaii, Oahu Treatment

A new approach to treating neck pain in Honolulu examines how the neck muscles and the upper torso muscles work together in creating or solving  chronic neck pain. Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening (AIS) technique is now available for stubborn neck pain in Honolulu cases. Neck pain specialists commonly examine the neck muscles as the source of chronic neck pain, but rarely do they look at the muscles of the upper torso as a causal factor for chronic neck pain in Honolulu.

Each neck pain in Honolulu case has different key muscles causing the problem. Here are three possible scenarios:

Scenario one:  client has chronic neck pain caused by severe tension in the neck muscles.

Scenario two: client has minimal tension in the neck muscles but severe tension in the chest, shoulders, upper arms, and upper back muscles, the upper torso muscles.

Scenario three: client has excessive muscular tension in both areas – the neck muscles and the upper torso muscles.

Scenario two may be undetected by conventional pain specialists treating neck pain in Honolulu. Has the pain specialist done a range of motion test for the chest, triceps, biceps, deltoids, and rhomboids? Frequently, pain specialists ignore these areas when a client presents with severe neck pain.  The third scenario can also be discouraging for clients because they feel like treatment is helping, but something is still nagging at their neck. The client may feel better immediately after seeing their neck pain specialist but the pain creeps back after a few days because all the muscles surrounding the neck have not been lengthened. The second and third scenarios represent chronic neck pain in Honolulu cases where conventional treatment is not succeeding.  AIS therapy often succeeds at curing chronic neck pain where other treatments have failed because AIS therapy is looking at the causal factors from a completely new perspective.

The best process for solving neck pain in Honolulu

In all neck pain cases, the upper torso muscles must be lengthened before lengthening the neck muscles. This is a major tenet of Active Isolated Stretching technique. The neck extends into the middle of the back. Therefore the upper torso muscles support (or inhibit) neck function. Unrecognized by many who treat neck pain in Honolulu, key muscles to treat are:  the pectorals, deltoids, triceps, biceps, and rhomboids; also known as the muscles of  the chest, the shoulders, the upper arms, and the upper back. Anatomically, the neck goes deep into the mid-back. If the upper torso muscles are tight, then they can grip the neck muscles and prevent the neck from full range of motion. Remember the neck is surrounded by the upper torso muscles. If you want to free your neck, then you’ve got to release the muscles that surround the neck. These muscles are the upper torso muscles.

Neck pain specialists usually do not consider the role of the upper torso muscles as being a main cause of chronic neck pain in Honolulu. But excessive tension in the upper torso muscles is further pulling the neck muscles out of balance.  The upper torso muscles connect to the neck muscles. Therefore, releasing the shortness in the upper torso muscles is an integral part of resolving chronic neck pain. Frequently people go from specialist to specialist and feel that their neck pain is not going away. Examining neck pain with the AIS approach is analogous to viewing the entirety of a tree. The tree extends upwards from its base, but below the base are the roots of the tree. Similarly, the roots of the neck extend deep below the neckline. Active Isolated Stretching has a different approach to solving neck pain in Honolulu. AIS is different than physical therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, Thai massage, pnf stretching, rolfing, and deep tissue massage. If you have unresolved neck pain in Honolulu,  consider AIS therapy as a way of avoiding neck surgery.




neck pain in honolulu


neck pain in honolulu





neck pain in honolulu                                                                                                                                                                               neck pain in honoluluneck pain in honolulu

Neck pain in Honolulu

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Bunions, Hammertoes, Plantar Fasciitis. Foot and heel pain.

Do you want a solution to your bunions or hammertoes without surgery? Active Isolated Stretching treats hammertoes, bunions, and plantar fasciitis naturally by elongating the muscles that are causing the problems in your feet. Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is an alternative to surgery and podiatry for problems to the feet, toes, and ankles.

Causes of hammertoes, bunions, and plantar fasciitis

AIS looks at hammertoes, bunions, and plantar fasciitis as a muscular and circulatory problem. The AIS approach aims to increase circulation in the entire lower body to bring proper circulation and blood flow to the foot region. This first involves lengthening muscles in the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calves before working with the feet and ankles directly. The muscles of the toes and feet are manually elongated by a trained therapist. Afterwards the client learns to strengthen muscles of the toes and feet using AIS strengthening techniques.

foot and heel pain treatment

Should I use orthotic foot insoles in foot pain treatment

Active Isolated Strengthening differs from podiatry because AIS does not endorse the use of foot insoles (i.e. orthotics, shoe inserts, foot inserts). Instead AIS believes in strengthening the small muscles of the feet, toes, and ankles so that the body learns to use its own power to correct anatomical problems. AIS foot exercises will develop the foot arch for flat feet problems.

If you have bunions, do you want someone to cut open your body? Or would you like to lengthen your feet muscles with your clothes on and your mind alert and conscious?

Tips for bunions, hammertoes, and plantar fasciitis:

• Walking barefoot on an earth surface. Walking barefoot on the grass is good. And walking barefoot on the beach is best. When walking on the beach, try to walk on the flat part to avoid imbalances to your hips. Walking barefoot on an earth surface will allow you to use the muscles of your feet while you walk.

• Avoid wearing flip flop sandals. prolonged usage of flip flop sandals will drop the arches in your foot because the foot muscles are not being used properly. Prolonged usage can also cause chronic tightness in the calves.

•Avoid wearing tight shoes. Tight fitting shoes will cause the toes to smash together. You want the toes to spread apart wide. You want independence and space in your toes.

•Use yogatoes. Yogatoes is a product that separates the space between your toes. Buy the product and use according to their instructions.

• Limit or avoid wearing high heels. High heels will negatively alter proper position and function of the toes and feet. Some women are required to wear high heels for job situations, but don’t wear them when you have a choice.

Best treatment for musculoskeletal dysfunction and disorders of the nervous system

Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening therapy is highly beneficial for musculoskeletal dysfunction and disorders of the nervous system.

AIS therapy will be highly beneficial for any musculoskeletal problems. More than any other modality, AIS therapy most directly benefits muscular issues. AIS has a unique approach of lengthening and unwinding muscles. When a person is suffering from a musculoskeletal issue, the muscles are shortened, contracted, or twisted. Massage, chiropractic, and acupuncture may also be helpful, but not to the same degree as AIS. In deep tissue massage, the kneading motion on twisted muscles is soothing, but the relief is often short-lived because kneading does not optimally return a muscle to its normal position and length. Chiropractic can be helpful, but adjustments will be more productive after AIS therapy. First lengthen all the muscles, then see how much better the chiropractic adjustment feels. Similarly, acupuncture treatment will be much more effective after AIS therapy. By lengthening the muscles, the acupuncture needles are able to follow a clearer pathway.

Musculoskeletal dysfunction

AIS therapy is most beneficial when it comes to lengthening muscles, nourishing joints, increasing range of motion, improving circulation, and reducing inflammation. These are all the essentials issues that must be addressed in musculoskeletal problems.

Muscles can become twisted by repetitive motion, injury, weakness, overuse, or aging. If a problematic muscle is not treated properly, it can stay contracted for years. This is why people can suffer from nagging injuries multiple years. At the same time, a contorted muscle can be released immediately if you use the right technique. AIS is that technique.

Muscle problems will create problems with movement. Additionally, muscles stabilize the frame for sitting or standing. Therefore, an expert in muscles will help a client with improved movement, improved body function, being more productive, and living a more active lifestyle. You do not have to have a chronic pain condition to get benefit from AIS treatment. Your age is mirrored by the flexibility in your spine. IT is common for people who receive AIS treatment to feel twenty years younger. AIS affects voluntary and involuntary muscles. Our postural muscles are involuntary. Meaning we do not consciously engage them to hold us up properly. But AIS therapy will affect those involuntary postural muscles which are essential for sitting, standing, working, playing, and living fully.

Musculoskeletal disorders:

  • Adhesive Capsulitis, frozen shoulder
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Anterior compartment syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Bunions
  • Bursitis
  • Clubfoot
  • Dupuytren’s Contracture
  • Volkmann’s contracture
  • Dislocation
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gout
  • Hammertoes
  • Headaches
  • Herniated disc, slipped disc, bulging disc
  • Kyphosis
  • Lordosis
  • muscle spasm, muscle cramp
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease
  • Osteoarthritis, degenerative joint disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Repetitive Strain Injury, repetive motion injury
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Separation
  • Shin splints
  • Spasticity
  • Spondylotlisthesis
  • Spondylosis
  • Sprain
  • Strain
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, TMJ
  • Tendinitis
  • Torticollis, wryneck
  • Whiplash

Musculoskeletal dysfunction

Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening therapy is highly beneficial for problems with the nervous system. Nerves and muscles work together. Nerves typically run underneath the muscles. Problems with the nervous system will be greatly improved by improving the condition of the muscle structure. An unhealthy set of muscles will be inflamed. Muscular inflammation will press into the underlying nerves and interfere with the function of the nerves. This will cause cause pain, problems in movement, and problems in proper usage of the body.

What is good for the muscles is good for the nerves. AIS therapy helps to reset nerve signals. By doing so, AIS therapy will be of great benefit to anyone suffering from a nervous system disorder. The following is an incomplete list of nervous system disorders that can be greatly benefitted by applying AIS rehabilitation.

AIS is highly beneficial for the following nervous system disorders:

  • ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Nerve compression, nerve impingement
  • Nerve entrapment
  • Neuropathy
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Paralysis
  • Paraplegia
  • Hemiplegia
  • Quadriplegia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Sciatica
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Stroke
  • Thoracic outlet syndrome
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Dementia

Arthritis: joint inflammation and cartilage deterioration.

The main goal in arthritis joint pain treatment is to reduce inflammation in problem joints and create an atmosphere for the body to repair its own cartilage deterioration. Arthritis joint pain is caused by inflammation. The way to reduce inflammation is to lengthen all the muscles that attach to or surround the arthritic joint. People with arthritis have stiff muscles. This is not just a symptom, it is a cause that makes the arthritis worsen. As arthritis conditions worsen, one affect is that cartilage deteriorates. Cartilage is padding between joints. A person that loses cartilage will experience more pain during movement. However, cartilage deterioration is reversible. Healing of cartilage can occur if all unnecessary muscular tension is removed. When this process occurs, it creates a sensation of floating in the body. How wonderful is that? Rather than feeling creaky, stiff, and cranky. Your problem area feels as if it is floating in the structure. Joints typically affected by arthritis are: knee, neck, shoulder, low back, hip, spine, hand or thumb, foot or toe. Regardless of the joint, the best arthritis treatment is Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) therapy.

Arthritis: joint inflammation

The cause of arthritis joint pain

When dealing with arthritis you have to address muscular inflexibility. Regardless whether the arthritis is osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, muscular inflexibility is always a principle factor of joint inflammation and cartilage deterioration: two conditions that cause pain in arthritis sufferers. Arthritis is inflammation around the joint. Inflammation causes swelling, which causes pain by pressing on the nerves. Additionally, inflexibility in muscles strains the arthritic joint to the point in which it wears down cartilage. Cartilage is the cushion between joints. In osteoarthritis, inflexibility may have occurred through aging, repetitive motion, or trauma. Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers have developed joint inflammation as a consequence of their disease. Rheumatoid arthritis clients are still affected by muscular inflexibility negatively impacting the joints.  High value treatment for all types of arthritis joint pain is optimal muscle lengthening.

How will stretching help arthritis? 

Guided therapeutic movement exercises in Active Isolated Stretching adds natural lubrication to the joint. As the muscles surrounding the problem joint are lengthened, stress is taken off the joint and the joint will glide more easily.

Leon Sokoloff, M.D. did research into cartilage regeneration. His research is outlined in the book Healing Joint Pain Naturally by Ellen Hodgson Brown. Dr. Sokoloff concluded that new cartilage could grow on bones but the real problem is the stress on the joint that keeps intervening and preventing this process (page 22). Had Dr. Sokoloff experienced Active Isolated Stretching, he would have discovered the critical link that helps arthritis sufferers with their loss of cartilage. The stress on the joint that interferes and prevents cartilage regeneration is excessive muscular tension.

Through AIS treatment: new blood is refreshed into the problem area; waste products move out of the arthritic joint; oxygen and nutrition move into the arthritic joint. This process improves the condition of cells surrounding the arthritic joint.

Why will Active Isolated Stretching help my arthritis when other forms of stretching have not helped my arthritis pain?

Other forms of bodywork cannot duplicate the healing process created by Active Isolated Stretching. The developer of AIS therapy created the optimal flexibility training program. It is a complete revision of the stretching process. AIS assisted stretching treatment is the kick-start that begins the process of healing and recovery.  Along with a inflammation free diet, arthritis joint pain sufferers can receive major benefit by employing Active Isolated Stretching therapy. AIS therapy is an alternative to physical therapy, pills, cortisone injections, and surgery. If you have arthritis joint pain, find an advanced practitioner of Active Isolated Stretching. AIS therapy involves one-to-one treatment between client and therapist. The therapist takes the client through an series of guided movement exercises that is highly beneficial for arthritis joint pain and dysfunction.

Bursitis cure. How to solve bursitis.

What causes bursitis? Inflammation causes bursitis. Muscular inflexibility causes inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the driving force causing bursitis. Lengthening compacted muscles to their proper length will remove inflammation. Bursitis is easy to cure if you use the right method. Active Isolated Stretching is the best cure for bursitis. By stretching each target muscle at multiple angles, Active Isolated Stretching is able to reduce inflammation in problematic joints. AIS is not well understood by physicians yet. But that does not invalidate the powerful healing affect of AIS on bursitis.

Bursitis causes

When a problematic joint is inflamed, the bursae sacs will be pushed out of their position in the joint. Bursae sacs are small floating balls that surround a joint. When the joint is healthy, the bursae sacs provide necessary lubrication. Bursitis is caused by tightness in the muscles that surround a particular joint. Bursae sacs allow joints to glide and operate smoothly. Repetitive motion, muscular inflexibility and lack of circulation are causes for bursitis. When the bursae sacs are displaced by inflammation, people will experience physical pain because the bursae sacs provide lubrication to the joint during movement.

Bursitis Cure

What is the best bursitis treatment?

By working on the muscles, Active Isolated Stretching goes straight to the root cause of bursitis. Bursitis occurs at a joint. Every joint is surrounded by muscles. When a person is suffering from bursitis, that means that the muscles that surround the joint are restricted. Therefore, the best treatment for bursitis will focus on repairing and lengthening muscles that surround the problem joint. Any joint that is affected by bursitis can benefit by AIS treatment. This includes bursitis of the hip, knee, back, elbow and shoulder. AIS therapy can cure bursitis.

Not all stretching is created equal. Conventional stretching, the type we learned in the seventh grade, or PNF stretching is not going to be effective in treating bursitis pain. An advanced practitioner of Active Isolated Stretching who will guide you through specific exercises that will cure your problem.

Bursitis Cure

If you have bursitis, then you need to know about Active Isolated Stretching treatment. You will be amazed at how quickly your bursitis problem is resolved. Treatment for bursitis is misunderstood. A person with bursitis doesn’t need years of medication to make small changes. A person with bursitis needs a few AIS sessions with an advanced therapist. And then…problem gone! AIS is a detailed form of muscle rehabilitation. The thoroughness of AIS is what makes it work. Once all the muscles in the problem joint are treated with Active Isolated Stretching, the strain and stress on the problem area will be lifted away.

Parkinson’s Stretching

Because Parkinson’s disease is a muscle disease,  the best treatment  involves optimal muscle lengthening. The muscles of a Parkinson’s patient are hardened and rigid.  Effective treatment for Parkinson’s disease will unwind tense muscles. The ideal treatment is called Active Isolated Stretching: The Mattes Method. Muscle rigidity makes it difficult for Parkinson’s patients to move their bodies and it creates a series of physical pain problems.  Common Parkinson’s problems are: chronic low back pain, chronic neck pain, shuffle step walking, tremors, and mental fogginess.  All these type of physical and mental issues can be greatly improved with Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) treatment. 

Best treatment for Parkinson’s disease

Active Isolated Stretching is highly beneficial for Parkinsonism because it is focused on lengthening muscles. Muscle lengthening is what every Parkinson’s patient needs. AIS is detailed and thorough. AIS addresses multiple aspects of each target muscle. This unique process allows rigid muscles to unwind and relax.


Is medication enough for Parkinson’s disease?  Will medication adequately reduce inflammation in the chain of muscles that is causing pain and dysfunction? If you want more results than drugs can offer, than consider a trained therapist that helps the Parkinson’s patient stretch in a detailed and thorough method. Other assisted stretching systems exist (PNF and Thai yoga are other examples), but none will get the same results as Active Isolated Stretching treatment. The difference is in the details and specificity.

When to seek treatment for Parkinson’s disease

Active Isolated Stretching is beneficial for all stages Parkinsonism. Whatever stage of the disease the patient is presenting, AIS therapy will improve their current condition. The cause of  Parkinson’s is unknown but the effects to the physical body are obvious. AIS will help Parkinson’s patients that are having trouble with walking. AIS will help Parkinson’s patients that are experiencing physical pain due to muscle rigidity. The alternative is to let the body decline. An advanced practitioner of Active Isolated Stretching understands the complications of Parkinsons disease. The AIS practitioner can improve the health condition of Parkinson’s patients.

Tremors from Parkinson’s disease

Active Isolated Stretching can cure tremors related from Parkinson’s disease. A person with Parkinson’s tremors is experiencing muscle spasticity. The muscles are in haywire mode. Nerves and muscles run together. If you relax the muscles that surround the nerves, then the nerves will relax and the tremors will cease.  When I work with people that have Parkinson’s related tremors, it is a common experience for them to cease trembling after one or two sessions.


Parkinson’s gait

Parkinson’s gait refers to a shuffle step that affects Parkinson’s patients. The Mattes Method approach to this problem involves assisted stretching to the lower body including the feet and toes. Foot, ankle, and toe strength training is also employed so that a person develops every muscle that contributes to proper walking patterns.

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease have much in common. Many patients of Parkinson’s develop Alzheimer’s disease in later stages. Both cases are affected by poor blood circulation to the brain through the carotid artery. Active Isolated Stretching treatment has a detailed approach to improving carotid blood flow to the brain. This involves opening up numerous muscles in the upper body, particularly the neck muscles.

Rigid neck muscles can block blood flow through the carotid artery – a major circulatory route to the brain. Muscular inflammation contributes to carotid artery blockage. Decreasing neck muscle inflammation will reverse the negative effects of Parkinson’s related dementia and Alzheimer’s.

People with Parkinson’s disease need to know about Active Isolated Stretching. This treatment does not involve drugs or surgery.  An AIS practitioner helps a Parkinson’s patient to stretch. This procedure is far more productive than self-stretching, especially for Parkinson’s disease patients. If you want help for Parkinson’s disease right now, then seek out an advanced practitioner of Active Isolated Stretching: The Mattes Method.

Stroke treatment Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii

The consequences of stroke have attacked the nerve signals between the brain and the body. The dysfunction created by stroke can be improved.  Whether it is difficulty with movement, speaking, or resolving physical pain;  the body can improve if the right rehabilitation therapy is employed.  

Best treatment for stroke recovery

Active Isolated Stretching therapy is the best stroke treatment Honolulu currently available.
Active Isolated Stretching (AIS) is an optimized form of therapeutic stretching with applications for neurological disorders including stroke rehabilitation. AIS is not a conventional treatment available through traditional physical therapy. And not every AIS practitioner is able to apply their knowledge to stroke recovery.

Stroke treatment Honolulu

What happens after surviving a stroke?

For stroke victims,  the connection between the  nerve signals  to the brain have been shut down or severly disrupted. Stroke has caused the muscles to go into spasm. Spasticity in muscles is not just a symptom of a stroke, it is a major cause for the body not working correctly.  Muscle spasticity in stoke victims disrupts the nerve signals to the brain. Nerves are encased in muscles. Correct the muscle spasticity and the nerve signals will begin to work better. When the nerve signals improve, overall body function will improve.  Active Isolated Stretching (with an advanced practitioner) helps the victim undo the blockages that are interfering in the neurological pathways.

Course of treatment for a stroke survivor

The AIS form of stroke treatment Honolulu first concentrates on the the upper body and neck muscles to improve blood flow through the carotid artery. A stroke victim has suffered a muscular seizure and that muscular rigidity has impeded blood flow to the brain. As the brain receives more blood, the body and mind will be able to improve its condition. AIS therapy focuses on guided therapeutic movement exercises. As the physical condition improves, mental and cognitive faculties will follow. Following treatment to the upper body,  AIS stroke therapy then focuses on the lower body. If walking has become difficult,  Active Isolated Stretching will help elongate the leg muscles that have been attacked. If one side of the body is dysfunctional, AIS therapy can greatly improve the imbalances. The process of lengthening and strengthening the primary body muscles will result in a successful rehabilitation from stroke consequences.

Stroke treatment Honolulu

Paralysis and stroke

Frequently, a stroke patient has suffered a type of paralysis. And Active Isolated Stretching is an optimal treatment to unwind the muscles that are dysfunctional. As the muscles are lengthened to normal state, AIS will employ methods to bring back normal function. Stroke victims that utilize AIS therapy will improve at movement. They will gain more control of their bodies. They will decrease their pain levels. They will improve the quality of their lives. Physical therapy is only one form of  stroke treatment Honolulu. If your stroke patient is not getting enough out of physical therapy then its time to seek the alternative that will be more effective. Call for Active Isolated Stretching and Strengthening therapy.


Stroke Treatment Honolulu