
Rolfing reviews for pain repair. Back, neck, shoulder.

Rolfing reviews for physical pain ailments. Rolfing is an alternative therapy used to treat soft-tissue ailments. Does it work? Some of the time, yes. Does it have value? Yes.  Is it the end-all treatment for soft-tissue injuries? No. If rolfing does not cure your chronic pain, do not give up, thinking that you have tried everything.

Rolfing is a form of bodywork that aims to realign the body to improve function and solve physical ailments. Established by Ida Rolf, rolfing bodywork is characterized by deep pressure. Some people say that it is a type of deep-tissue massage (rolfers hate this description). Others have called it an intelligent massage.

Rolfing became popular in the 1970’s. It was a breakthrough discovery for its time, because it offered an alternative treatment to common ailments such as back, neck, and shoulder pain. Currently, it is one of many alternative treatments for myofascial pain and dysfunction. In the 1970’s, rolfing was one of the pioneers in advancing bodywork as a value therapy for soft-tissue pain. But it no longer stands alone in the field of pain repair.

People will see a rolfer (a person that has been certified in this method), and many times if it doesn’t work, they will think that there is no solution because rolfing is the best… Note to consumers: be very careful about subliminal persuasion. Concentrate on whether or not you are getting better. If you are not getting better from rolfing, then move on.

Rolfing reviews show that rolfing is not the best. I assume that students of rolfing are taught to be arrogant in their training schools. Because many practitioners of rolfing are very arrogant and they exude the message that rolfing is the one and only. Maybe in 1976, this was the case for a few moments but do not be swayed by this outdated rhetoric. Rolfing can heal certain injuries, but it is not the most effective form of bodywork available in 2014.  Be careful to separate hearsay from the truth.

If you live in a region where rolfing is your only alternative therapy option, then give it a try. But if you live in an area where there are more options than rolfing, don’t think that there is no hope for your injury if rolfing couldn’t solve it. Your best solution is very very close…